• Labtech Modular
  • 19/09/2022

Bespoke Permit Office and Tea Shack

Centurion designed and delivered a bespoke rental solution for a Permit Office and a Tea Shack to be used on an accommodation vessel in the North Sea

In July 2014, Centurion was awarded a rental contract to deliver a Permit Office and a Tea Shack to support their client’s operation on an accommodation vessel in the North Sea for a period of 6 months.

Project: Permit Office and Tea Shack
Location: Accommodation vessel in the North Sea
Project Delivery: August 2014
Rental Period: 180 days

Project requirements

The requirement included four 20ft office units to be converted into two bespoke units: a permit office and a tea shack.


The project was extremely complex in terms of deliverables for this multi-room, joined and pressurised hazardous area certified module.

In line with the client’s requirements and specifications, Centurion designed and modified four of their standard 20ft A60 office modules, by combining two 20ft modules as double-wide modular units, constructed to provide the permit office and tea shack. The modifications on the four modules were executed whilst maintaining all of the modules existing ATEX, DNV, A60 and CSC certification.


This was the first order Centurion received from the client and they had committed to an extremely short lead time of only 2 weeks. Due to the close coordination between Centurion staff in Aberdeen and Dubai, including projects, engineering and production across all disciplines, the project was seamless in the execution phase and everything was successfully completed on time.

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